I’m a long time Green and like so many of you, I want to make this world a better place. My goal as the Leader of the Green Party of Canada is to work with Federal Council and be the strongest advocate for our many amazing candidates.
I’ve proudly been a Green candidate in four elections. I first ran provincially in 2014 for the Green Party of Ontario. My campaign received the fourth most votes of any Green candidate in the province that election.
More recently I ran in a provincial by-election in Orleans. That campaign saw the GPO vote percentage more than double from the 2018 election, and was the best showing ever for the GPO in Orleans.
I have been the Attorney General Critic for the Green Party of Ontario since 2015. During my time on the GPO Shadow Cabinet I consulted with the party on constitutional/legal aspects of proposed policies by members. I learned how well the leader, council and members can work together to create a dynamic and effective team. I have also been able to shape some GPO policies including our policy on Presumed Consent Organ Donation.
I’ve taken the challenges and setbacks I’ve experienced in my life and turned them into lessons—lessons which have made me stronger.
I’m a moderate who advocates for a thriving Canada. I recognise the challenges and the concerns of many Canadians in addressing climate change, but I know that together we can protect the environment and jobs as we transition to a greener economy.
I know firsthand the challenges Green Party candidates and volunteers face and have ideas on how to help them. I have volunteered in at least seven elections for the Green Party both nationally and in Ontario. Time and time again the Green Party nominates amazing candidates.
As leader it will be my job to show Canadians that we have 338 Green Party candidates who should be elected.
Andrew is a lawyer and the Attorney General Critic for the Green Party of Ontario. His law degree includes a specialization in Environmental Law with extensive training in resolving disputes.
After a successful career in the television industry working mostly as a sole proprietor/independent contractor, Andrew went back to school at the age of 32 and received a B.A. (Hons) in Politics and Governance from Ryerson University. Later he graduated from the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law when he was 40. Andrew has since been practicing law as a sole practitioner/small business owner in the Ottawa area. He understands the needs of small businesses.
Andrew has volunteered for several organizations including the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, WWF-Canada and Amnesty International. For Amnesty, Andrew was a Committee Chair for an annual fundraiser called “Taste for Justice”. Andrew was responsible for much of the planning, marketing and implementation of the restaurant campaign which raised money to help stop violence against women. Under his leadership, “Taste for Justice” gained the most media coverage and raised the most donations in the campaign’s history.
Andrew was the CEO of the Ottawa Centre Federal Green Party Association. He organized the Green entry in the Ottawa Pride Parade twice. He was the MC for the gala dinner for the Green Party of Ontario’s 2016 AGM and has co-chaired GPO plenary sessions since 2017. Andrew grew up in Owen Sound, Ontario. He loves baseball, comedy and his wife Lydia. He is currently studying to be bilingual and usually has at least three French lessons a week.